Wellsys i15 Ice & Water Dispenser

Compact and Advanced Technology

Wellsys WS15000 Bottleless Water Cooler

The i15 is your breakroom solution to employee thirst and motivation. This compact, yet efficient, bottleless water cooler and ice machine fits conveniently on your breakroom countertop. This water cooler dispenses the delicate nugget-style chewable ice while offering both hot and ambient water. The drainless technology and optional free-standing base give you ultimate placement flexibility, so your employees can quickly and easily access their favorite water cooler.

Deciding on a PURE WATER System?

Pure Water Technology of Connecticut has a variety of water and ice coolers that are perfect for any office or home. Let us help you find what is best for you and what meets the needs of your family or coworkers. Contact us for your FREE Trial!

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